Composite Rubber Track (CRT) and Climatic Conditions


CRT has been fitted to Armoured Vehicles (AVs) since 1988 and is currently integrated on several  different platforms such as M113, CV90 and BRONCO to name a few, reaching from North America  to Asia. With Soucy having such a widespread portfolio of vehicle fleets it is with no surprise that CRT  has performed in many different climatic environments from the soring desert heat of Afghanistan  to the freezing temperatures of Scandinavia and Canada.

Hot Climatic Conditions

Since mechanised warfare began, one of the biggest contributors to unreliability of military  equipment in the Land Domain has been the environment and terrain in which it is operated. CRT  fitted to the CV90 AVs has been proven to sustain A1 & C21 Climatic cycling as described in both  STANAG 4370 and Def- Stan 00-35. The CRT integrated CV90 of the Norwegian Army was first  deployed in Afghanistan in late Dec 2010. The unique components and design of CRT allows for  superior traction and manoeuvrability through deep sand, rock, wadis, dry lakes, and riverbeds, at  temperatures in excess of 50 degrees Celsius, thus maintaining better momentum and operational  tempo.

Cold Weather Environment (CWE) 

More recently on a Norwegian lead NATO exercise, Ex Joint Viking 2017, the same CV90 fleet with  integrated CRT was deployed in sub-arctic temperatures. CRT is lighter than Steel Track (ST),  therefore it creates less ground pressure, which enabled the vehicle fleet to cross the rugged  northern mountainous region of Finnmark, a manoeuvre that was previously unachievable on ST.


CRT is proven to perform in all climatic conditions. It also provides a reduction in track system weight  of approximately 1500kg on a 35mT vehicle with ST. Vehicles typically up-armour for Operations – increasing their weight. As a result, Nominal Ground Pressure (NGP) rises, which leads to a reduction  in terrain accessibility. CRT allows NGP to be reduced, thereby regaining access to some terrain lost  due to vehicle weight increases. CRT is operationally fielded and provides the greatest benefits with  the lowest risk.

1 Worldwide Temperature and Humidity Cycles. A1 = Temp 32 to 49C Relative Humidity – 03 – 08 % 
C2 = Temp -37 to -46C Relative Humidity – Tending to saturation 

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